Sleeping Through 2020: 5 Things I Wish I’d Done Sooner

Hello you, yes you! I’m about to breakdown some things I would have done differently had I been shown a crystal ball in 2019. Enjoy!

1, Online Dating?!

Apocalypsing – the term used to describe treating every relationship like it’s your last due to a feeling of impending doom via a global health crisis.

Plain and simple, the gnawing pretence that anyone is seriously trying to find love whilst trying to curb their mental health issues and not contract a deadly plague is… admirable. Cost/benefit/Risk Analysis = No Bueno. What I found was a mix of genuinely more confused people in the dating pool than before. If you thought plenty of fish (the dating app) was a piece of cake then imagine both fish and cake together on a plate (Chefs kiss).

P.s if you found love during the pandemic then leave a comment. Please let’s compare notes because my eye prescription was up to date and I’m sure my profile did read “looking for something serious but not covid-19”, and would you believe I attracted the most unserious people ever? Chris Evans where are youuu?!?!

chris evans oscars GIF by The Academy Awards
Chris Evans being a gentlemen

Hilarious dating stories pending by the way (hmm maybe I’ll share).

2, Wearing a Mask

This should probably be number one but because I was working a highly pressured job, I already felt numb to stress so, my blasé attitude was an autonomic response I promise. And yes: I was in denial for a lil bit.

During the early peaks of the pandemic, a tourist (yes you read that right), came obnoxiously close to me on the train to ask for directions. I had wised up to wearing my mask then and although a legal requirement, I felt that it gave me a different sense of peace. In some cultures, if someone breaks that personal space (to ask for directions) pandemic or otherwise – you’re now engaged! They had a mask on, we thank God!

3, Quit that Depressing Job

This will make a great story. Say that a million times over and you start to believe that being treated like somebody’s dirty rag cloth will somehow make all the toil and trouble worth it. SURE. Anyway, I wish I quit my job as soon as I started hearing stories about a mysterious ex-employee who hurled an “object” towards a fellow employee. Oh, if I could have been a fly on the wall, or even interviewed them I’m sure they would have said the same thing – “This will make a great story!”.

troll deal with it GIF

I’m feeling inspired to write a bewk now! hmm… Sage and Survival: Cleansing Off The Evil Spirits of 2020. What do you think? haha

4, Check-in with Myself

catherine keener wtf GIF by Get Out Movie

I wish I had just blurted out to someone “help me please I’m already in the sunken place, just need to GET OUT,” But in all seriousness I should have made more of an effort to check in with my emotions because those first 3 months of lockdown went by like a breeze – a very long-winded breeze – that is actually a hurricane sweeping you amongst the commotion of people’s fears, aggressions and denials. And all you had to say was “I”, but who will listen you say?… everyone and anyone who was furloughed and sought out a new hobby. Yes, I’m judging your well-spent paid time off work “knitting”. Listening skills, I’m sure have improved this year though. Google it.

P.s Thank you to all my friends for always listening to me #wesurvived

kris jenner friendship GIF by arielle-m

5, Make Different Plans

I believe in setting realistic goals because how can we progress through life without getting a nice reward here and there? However because 2020 took us by storm some (most) of our plans/goals had to change radically to more attainable or humble things such as:

1, Go for a walk

2, Go for another walk

3, Don’t forget mask for public transport (anxiety!)

4, Complete one work goal whilst working from home

5, Don’t go crazy working from home

6, Cry at exactly 5pm

— You get the general gist here.

But it’s not all doom and gloom

Our lives changed exponentially this year and the foreseeable future never seemed more uncertain. Yet we all adapted and we need to remember that. I’ve never seen more stronger communities than before. To all the key workers – thank you for your bravery and duties. The food banks, businesses and everyday people who provided meals and resources for just about everyone, thank you! To people who have lost loved ones – no amount of sorrys can bring them back but their memories will live on. To those who still have loved ones – cherish them. Yet, I think trying to live each day to the fullest might be a dangerous mindset. Instead we should simply focus on ourselves and try and move on with life at our own pace.

So, I’ll welcome the new year with open arms but maybe a guarded heart this time. Just being honest. How about you?

Lots of love,


Myself and Baby Sloth

1 thought on “Sleeping Through 2020: 5 Things I Wish I’d Done Sooner

  1. Always good to reminisce and make better choices for the future and; most importantly give God praise for his faithfulness to mankind.Thanks Funmi!

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